The MS Teams alternative
For institutions looking for a program-friendly and easy to manage communication tool
Save $97.80 per user/yr
Low admin, single tenancy
Works with your LMS
One tenancy and dynamic access levels that runs everything
Huddled’s single tenancy simplifies use, unlike MS Teams, which requires a separate tenancy just for students and program communications.
Integrates with your existing ecosystem without the technical hassle or resources
Huddled readily integrates with LTI Advantage-supported LMS in minutes, automating user account management. When using Slack, you will have to invest thousands of dollars in technical talent to build and maintain a custom integration just to connect it with your LMS.
Data analytics that
goes deeper than the
day to day engagement
Huddled provides you with insights into the skills, interests, and experience of your cohorts, while Slack is limited to only showing workspace interaction data.
Moderate without allocating additional time, money
and human resources
Huddled AI moderates in real-time to block online sexual harassment, bullying, racism and more. MS Teams falls short on this meaning that organisation need to allocate human resources to manually keep their community safe.
Built to empower your students and teachers
Huddled is fit-for-purpose built from the ground up with your programs front of mind. MS Teams is a corporate staff-to-staff workplace communication platform that lacks the support your teachers and students require.